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Sending LightDB Stream Data

Devices interact with LightDB Stream using the gateways available on the platform.

See CoAP API Reference.

Inserting data with POST

Devices can insert data into LightDB Stream with a CoAP POST request. Data can either be in JSON or CBOR, or a single value of type boolean, float, integer, or string.

In this example, we'll be using the coap CLI to send fictional GPS positional data to a stream located at /position.

coap --path /.s/position -m POST --psk-id deadbeef-id@my-project-id --psk supersecret  --host -b "{\"latitude\":37.75,\"longitude\":-122.57,\"speed\":5}" --format json
coap --path /.s/position -m POST --psk-id deadbeef-id@my-project-id --psk supersecret  --host -b "{\"latitude\":38.75,\"longitude\":-123.57,\"speed\":10}" --format json

Sending data with a timestamp

By default, the server will automatically assign a timestamp to all data received by the LightDB Stream service. However, in some cases (e.g. when you are caching sensor readings) you may want to assign your own timestamps.

To record batch requests, send an array at the root level that includes a timestamp for each entry. The following keys are valid for timestamp values: t, ts, time or timestamp. When a timestamp key is provided, it will be used as the timestamp for the event itself, and will be removed from the object structure.

The following example illustrates sending the timestamp in either Unix time or ISO 8601 format. In this case the ISO 8601 format includes a timezone offset, but also allow for the 2022-12-08T14:45:47Z style instead.

coap --path /.s/position -m POST --psk-id deadbeef-id@my-project-id --psk supersecret  --host -b "[{\"ts\":1670532287544,\"latitude\":37.75,\"longitude\":-122.57,\"speed\":5},{\"ts\":\"2022-12-08T14:45:47-06:00\",\"latitude\":38.75,\"longitude\":-123.57,\"speed\":10}]" --format json

Getting the latest data entry in the stream with goliothctl stream get [device name] /position shows that the data doesn't contain the timestamp:


However, if we use a query we can see the full data structure stored on LightDB Stream that uses the timestamps we submitted:

goliothctl stream query [device name] --interval 8h --field time --field "deviceId" --field "*"
"data": {
"position": {
"latitude": 37.75,
"longitude": -122.57,
"speed": 5
"deviceId": "61d34aceea77dbd14986344a",
"time": "2022-12-08T20:44:47.544+00:00"
"data": {
"position": {
"latitude": 38.75,
"longitude": -123.57,
"speed": 10
"deviceId": "61d34aceea77dbd14986344a",
"time": "2022-12-08T20:45:47+00:00"

Reading latest stream data with GET

A device can also get the latest information streamed to LightDB Stream. Imagine a scenario where the device went offline and now wants to check the latest information sent to know if it should post more data. The returned value of the CoAP API depends on what is stored on LightDB Stream, which can be any JSON-like data type. The value will be encoded depending on the Accept header that is set on the request.

Taking our asset tracking example, to read the last device position data, we can issue a GET request like this:

coap --path /.s/position -m GET --psk-id deadbeef-id --psk supersecret --host --accept json
payload: Type: Acknowledgement, MID: 64363, Code: Content, Token: 56f991b6703947d7, ContentFormat: application/json
body: {"latitude":38.75,"longitude":-123.57,"speed":5}

And that will return the data like on the previous step:

"latitude": 38.75,
"longitude" : -123.57,
"speed": 5