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InfluxDB Overview

InfluxDB Cloud is a fully managed timeseries database that can be used to consume Golioth events in a simple, trusted, and scalable way. Golioth's Output Stream for InfluxDB Cloud allows you to transform Golioth events into InfluxDB's native line protocol and ingest them in your InfluxDB Cloud instance.

InfluxDB Specific Attributes

For each Output Stream type, there is a set of specified attributes. Here are the ones for InfluxDB:

NamestringName to identify the Output Stream
InfluxDB URLstringURL for the InfluxDB Cloud API
InfluxDB tokenstringInfluxDB API token
InfluxDB bucketstringName of the InfluxDB bucket
InfluxDB measurementstringName to use for the InfluxDB measurement


To use this integration, you need to:

  • Have an InfluxDB Cloud account
  • Create an API token for the InfluxDB Cloud
  • Use the "Serverless" version of InfluxDB Cloud
  • Create an instance of the InfluxDB Output Stream in your Golioth account

The InfluxDB Output Stream is geared specifically to the InfluxDB Cloud Serverless version of the managed cloud offering.

Setup the InfluxDB Output Stream

1. Create an InfluxDB Cloud account

Follow the InfluxDB Setup Guide to get started if you don't already have an InfluxDB Cloud account.

2. Get your API token from your InfluxDB Cloud account

From the navigation in the InfluxDB Cloud console:

  1. Click the API Token link.
  2. Click the Generate GENERATE API TOKEN button.
  3. From the drop down menu after clicking the button, select Custom API Token.
  4. Complete the form by giving the new token a description and giving it read/write permissions for the bucket where you're measurements are going.

3. Get your bucket name from your InfluxDB Cloud account

Go to your list of buckets by clicking the Buckets link in the navigation and identify the bucket to use for your InfluxDB Output Stream.

4. Get the InfluxDB URL for your InfluxDB Cloud organization

From the InfluxDB Cloud console, click your organization and from the drop-down menu select Settings. From the organization settings page, find the Cluster URL field and click the COPY TO CLIPBOARD button.

5. Create an InfluxDB Output Stream in the Golioth console

From the Select an Output Stream Type page, select InfluxDB.

In the Create a new Output Stream form, enter the following:

  • Name: The name you want to give to your Output Stream
  • InfluxDB URL: Paste the Cluster URL you copied from your InfluxDB Cloud org settings
  • InfluxDB token: Paste the InfluxDB Cloud API token
  • InfluxDB bucket: the name of an existing InfluxDB Cloud bucket where you want to send your events
  • InfluxDB measurement name: The name of the InfluxDB measurement

Example Data

Golioth Output Streams use the Cloud Events format. Because InfluxDB is a timeseries database, we transform events from the CloudEvents format to the InfluxDB line protocol format.

Here is an example of a CloudEvent on the Golioth platform:

Context Attributes,
specversion: 1.0
source: golioth/app/api
subject: integration
id: 18914e4f-3620-48e2-9772-03fe12e757da
datacontenttype: application/json
"timestamp": {
"seconds": 1682614592,
"nanos": 987338334
"project_id": "my-first-project",
"data": {
"hello": "world"

We transform the above CloudEvent to the following line protocol:

GoliothEvent,{"project_id"="my-first-project"} "hello=world" 1682614592