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MongoDB Overview

MongoDB is a document database and has support for timeseries collections, which can be used to consume Golioth events in a simple, trusted, and scalable way. Golioth's Output Stream for MongoDB Cloud allows you to transform Golioth events into MongoDB's native BSON document and ingest them in your MongoDB instance.

MongoDB Specific Attributes

For each Output Stream type, there is a set of specified attributes. Here are the ones for MongoDB:

NamestringName to identify the Output Stream
Connection StringstringConnection string containing username and password
DatabasestringName of the MongoDB database
CollectionstringName of the MongoDB collection
TimefieldstringName to use for the timefield in the BSON document (e.g. "timestamp")
MetafieldstringName to use for the metafield in the BSON document (e.g. "metadata")


To use this integration, you need to:

  • Have a MongoDB instance (either a standalone instance or in Atlas, Mongo's managed service)
  • Create a MongoDB user that has a username and password
  • Create a timeseries collection in your MongoDB database
  • (Optional) Add Golioth's IP address to your Atlas IP Access List
  • Create an instance of the MongoDB Output Stream in your Golioth account

Setup the MongoDB Output Stream

1. Setup a MongoDB deployment

If you're using MongoDB Atlas, see the Getting Started with Atlas tutorial.

If you're using a local MongoDB installation, see the Install MongoDB tutorial.

2. Create a MongoDB database user

If you are using MongoDB Atlas, see Create a Database User for Your Cluster.

3. Create a timeseries collection

To use the MongoDB timeseries outputstream you must create a timeseries collection in your MongoDB database.

Creating the timeseries collection from mongosh

You can connect to your MongoDB database using the monogsh command, and then from there you can create your timeseries collection. For example:

timeseries: {
timeField: "timestamp",
metaField: "metadata"

Creating the timeseries collection from Atlas

You can create your timeseries collection from the Atlas console.

From the collections page:

  1. Click the plus icon next to the database name.
  2. In the Collection name field, give your collection a name (e.g. events).
  3. In the Additional Preferences dropdown, select Time Series Collection.
  4. Provide names for the timeField and metaField form fields. You will use these fields when you create the outputstream in the Golioth console.
  5. Click Create.

4. Get the MongoDB connection string

Local deployment

If you're using a local deployment, the connection string will be of the form mongodb://<username>:<password>@localhost:[port] where the port is 27017 by default.

Atlas deployment

If you're using an Atlas deployment, you can get the connection string from the Atlas console.

From the Database Deployments screen:

  1. Click the Connect button.
  2. Under Access your data through tools, select Compass.
  3. Copy the connection string without a trailing slash.

5. Add Golioth IP Address to Access List (MongoDB Atlas)

In order for Golioth to send your events to your MongoDB timeseries collection, you will need to add Golioth's IP address to your MongoDB Atlas IP Access List.

From the left-hand navigation in the Atlas console:

  1. Click the Network Access link.
  2. Click the ADD IP ADDRESS button.
  3. Add to the Access List Entry field, and optionally add a comment, e.g. "Golioth".
  4. Click Confirm.

6. Create an MongoDB Output Stream in the Golioth console

From the Select an Output Stream Type page, select MongoDB.

In the Create a new Output Stream form, enter the following:

  • Name: The name you want to give to your Output Stream
  • Connection String: Paste the Connection String you copied for your MongoDB cluster
  • Database: the name of an existing MongoDB database where you want to send your events
  • Collection: The time series collection to store your events
  • Timefield: the name of the field containing the date in your time series document
  • Metafield: the name of the field containing metadata in your timeseries document (your deviceId and projectId will be populated here)

After entering the necessary information, click Save.

Example Data

Golioth Output Streams utilize the Cloud Events format. Therefore, it is necessary to transform events from the CloudEvents format into a MongoDB BSON (Binary JSON) document.

Here is an example of a CloudEvent on the Golioth platform:

Context Attributes,
specversion: 1.0
source: golioth/app/api
subject: integration
id: 18914e4f-3620-48e2-9772-03fe12e757da
datacontenttype: application/json
"timestamp": {
"seconds": 1682614592,
"nanos": 987338334
"project_id": "my-first-project",
"data": {
"hello": "world"

We transform the above CloudEvent to the following BSON document:

timestamp: 2023-08-15T21:27:06.219+00:00,
metadata: {
project_id: "my-first-project",
_id: ObjectId('64dbedaa2ee9615b83f21576'),
data: {
"hello": "world"