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Device Settings Service

Use the Golioth Firmware SDK for all Zephyr projects

The Golioth Zephyr SDK is deprecated. Please use the Golioth Firmware SDK. (Migration Guide)

The Golioth Device Settings Service enables you to update settings for all devices in your fleet at the same time. The service can also target device groups by hardware blueprint, and individual devices. This is ideal for common settings like the delay between sensor readings or adjusting the remote logging messages by turning them on/off and setting the device's logging level.


#include <net/golioth/system_client.h>
#include <net/golioth/settings.h>

Including the Golioth System Client and the Golioth Settings header files makes the Golioth API functions available to your program.

Registering a callback

static void golioth_on_connect(struct golioth_client *client)
int err = golioth_settings_register_callback(client, on_setting);

if (err) {
LOG_ERR("Failed to register settings callback: %d", err);

Use the golioth_settings_register_callback() function to register a callback that will execute asynchronously when receiving device settings service updates from the Golioth Cloud. Required parameters are the Golioth Client object and the name of the callback function, the API takes care of the rest.

The Golioth servers will send an update when the callback is first registered and each time data changes on the cloud. When the response is received from Golioth, the registered callback will run, allowing you to validate and react to the settings.

Register device settings service callbacks whenever connected

We recommend that this callback be registered in the client->on_connect callback that runs each time the device connects to Golioth. This way, the device will receive endpoint data at every reconnect as well as whenever data changes on the cloud.

Callback function

enum golioth_settings_status on_setting(
const char *key,
const struct golioth_settings_value *value)
LOG_DBG("Received setting: key = %s, type = %d", key, value->type);
if (strcmp(key, "LOOP_DELAY_S") == 0) {
/* This setting is expected to be numeric, return an error if it's not */
if (value->type != GOLIOTH_SETTINGS_VALUE_TYPE_INT64) {

/* This setting must be in range [1, 100], return an error if it's not */
if (value->i64 < 1 || value->i64 > 100) {

/* Setting has passed all checks, so apply it to the loop delay */
_loop_delay_s = (int32_t)value->i64;
LOG_INF("Set loop delay to %d seconds", _loop_delay_s);


/* If the setting is not recognized, we should return an error */

Golioth uses key/value pairs to pass settings service data. Above you can see the callback tests for the LOOP_DELAY_S key before validating the value type and range.

The callback is responsible for returning a status message to the Golioth servers indicating that the settings was received and processed, or indicating a reason why it was not. Once data is validated, the setting may be acted upon and a GOLIOTH_SETTINGS_SUCCESS response returned. There are a number of different error status' that can be returned. View the golioth_settings_status enumeration in the Golioth Zephyr SDK reference for more information.


Use the Golioth Console to change device settings remotely

Once the firmware is running, device settings can be updated using the Golioth Console (shown above) or via calls to our REST API.

The best example of the Device Settings Service is found in the Settings sample code.

Further documentation of the device SDK is available in the Golioth Zephyr SDK Reference (Doxygen).