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Resolving Location

Devices can obtain their position by submitting information about cell towers, Wi-Fi access points, or both. Typically, the more information that a device can provide, the more accurate the location data returned will be.

Forming Location Requests

Location requests include information about zero or more cell towers and Wi-Fi access points. They are submitted to the Golioth Location service as a POST request to the /.l/v1/net Device API endpoint. On successful resolution, the service will respond with latitude, location, and accuracy. See the API reference for more information.

Submitting Location Requests

The Golioth Firmware SDK provides examples that demonstrate how to use location APIs. Testing can also be performed using the CoAP CLI. An example command is provided below.

coap --path /.l/v1/net -m POST --psk-id deadbeef-id@my-project-id --psk supersecret  --host -b "{\"cell\":[{\"type\":\"ltecatm\",\"mcc\":260,\"mnc\":3,\"id\":25115045,\"strength\":-113},{\"type\":\"ltecatm\",\"mcc\":260,\"mnc\":3,\"id\":25115046,\"strength\":-89}],\"wifi\":[{\"mac\":\"b0:5b:99:d8:0f:f4\",\"rssi\":-83},{\"mac\":\"ac:f8:cc:09:b3:16\",\"rssi\":-90}]}" --format json

The response should match the following output.

"lat": 50664189000,
"lon": 17942112000,
"acc": 65