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LightDB Stream Request

Use the Golioth Firmware SDK for all Zephyr projects

The Golioth Zephyr SDK is deprecated. Please use the Golioth Firmware SDK. (Migration Guide)

The LightDB Stream sample contains many of the same elements as the other LightDB samples. The primary difference between LightDB State and LightDB Stream is the persistence of data. LightDB State is useful for applications of state management. With LightDB Stream, timestamped datapoints can be uploaded using the LightDB Stream service to accumulate time-series databases. Check out the Cloud section of the documentation for information regarding accessing the accumulated data.


#include <net/golioth/system_client.h>

Including the Golioth System Client header file makes the LightDB Get API functions available to your program.

Payload preparation

char sbuf[11]; // Large enough for data plus zero terminator
snprintk(sbuf, sizeof(sbuf), "%d", some_counter_value);

We recommend converting the payload data to text using snprintk() which prevents buffer overflows. This command uses printf substitution to easily format JSON objects like "{\"value\":%d}".

Escape Quotes for Strings

Be sure to include escaped quotes around strings that are sent to LightDB state.

For instance, integers are simply formatted in quotes "42", but strings must also include escaped quotes to indicate to the server that the data is a string value: "\"Golioth\"".

Synchronous LightDB Stream

int err = golioth_stream_push(client, "temp",
sbuf, strlen(sbuf));

The simplest way to send LightDB Stream data to Golioth is using the synchronous golioth_stream_push() function. This blocking function will send data to a given endpoint ("temp" in this example) and wait for a response (or error) from the server.

Asynchronous LightDB Stream

Registering a callback

int err = golioth_stream_push_cb(client, "temp",
sbuf, strlen(sbuf),
temperature_push_handler, NULL);

The asynchronous golioth_stream_push_cb() function is a non-blocking approach to sending LightDB Stream data to Golioth. The API call registers a callback function (e.g.: temperature_push_handler) to handle the server response. The final parameter can be used to pass additional user-defined arguments to the callback.

Registering a callback is required for asynchronous function calls. When the response is received from Golioth, the registered callback will run, confirming that the data was received, or passing back error codes when the set operation was not successful.

Callback function

static int temperature_push_handler(struct golioth_req_rsp *rsp)
if (rsp->err) {
LOG_WRN("Failed to push temperature: %d", rsp->err);
return rsp->err;

LOG_DBG("Temperature successfully pushed");

return 0;

The response is passed to the callback function as a golioth_req_rsp struct that includes err. It is recommended that callbacks test for an error code to ensure the expected data was received.

User-defined arguments are passed to the callback as rsp.user_data.


The best example of a LightDB Stream request is found in the LightDB Stream sample code.

Further documentation of the device SDK is available in the Golioth Zephyr SDK Reference (Doxygen).