Pre-built Binaries
is a command-line interface (CLI) utility that lets you work with Golioth, from creating your account to registering devices to interacting with device services (more on those later.) It runs on your local machine so you'll want to install the version that's appropriate for your operating system:
Download Pre-built CLIs
We recommend working with the binaries to start with, as this will be the most up to date, and lowest complexity way to get started quickly.
You can download the latest tools here. Binaries are available for Linux, macOS and Windows.
Each zip file contains goliothctl and coap command line tools.
Using the Pre-built CLIs
Unpack the CLIs using the links above to a known location. You will then either need to specifically call out the location of the binary, or add it to a location findable from the command line. Running the binary from linux may require it to be added to the PATH variable or to be run as a script: ./goliothctl