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Zephyr Firmware Update Example Walkthrough

Over-the-Air (OTA) updates are a type of Device Firmware Upgrade (DFU). In this page we'll walk through the FW Update sample found in the Zephyr port of the Golioth Firmware SDK, which shows how to use the Golioth OTA update service.

We will target the Nordic nRF9160 DK (using the NCS version of Zephyr), however these step are portable to all other supported boards.


Expected Outcome

By the end of this page your device will download, verify, install, and run an updated firmware version and report the results to the Golioth Console.

OTA Update Sample Workflow

  1. Add hardcoded credentials
  2. Build and flash the initial FW Update sample application
  3. Upload the signed/versioned firmware as an artifact
  4. Create a release from the artifact and roll it out to the device
  5. Observe the device reporting the updated version number

Running the OTA Sample

1. Add hardcoded credentials

Navigate to the Golioth module in your zephyr install. This will be the /modules/lib/golioth-firmware-sdk directory.

Add the Golioth device PSK-ID and PSK to the project prj.conf file:

Where do I find my device credentials?

Credentials can be copied from the Device details page in the Golioth Console.

2. Initial build and flash

west build -b nrf9160dk/nrf9160/ns --sysbuild examples/zephyr/fw_update
west flash

By default, this will build and run firmware version 1.2.3 on the Nordic nRF9160 development kit.

3. Rebuild firmware with new version number

Instructions for Firmware SDK version 0.15.0 and later:

Update the firmware version in the project VERSION file:


Then build the application a second time.

west build -b nrf9160dk/nrf9160/ns --sysbuild examples/zephyr/fw_update

Do not run the west flash command. We will upload this binary to the Golioth Console and it will be loaded on the device via Over-The-Air (OTA) update.

4. Create a Package

The Golioth Cloud represents upgradeable software components as "Packages". In the OTA sample code, the package for the application firmware is called "main", so we'll need to create a corresponding package in the Golioth Console.

In the Golioth Console, go to Firmware Updates→Packages on the left sidebar and click the Create button. Set the name of the package to main, and optionally add a short description.

Create a package in the Golioth Console

5. Upload the firmware binary

The binary we built is located at build/fw_update/zephyr/zephyr.signed.bin and can now be used to create a new version of the main package on the Golioth Console.

In the Golioth Console, go to Firmware Updates→Packages in the left sidebar and open the main package in the list of packages, then click New Version.

Upload an artifact in the Golioth

  • Set the Artifact Version to 1.2.4 (to match what was compiled into the firmware)
  • Click the upload button in the middle of the window and choose your zephyr.signed.bin file
  • Click the Upload New Version button to finish creating a new package version

6. Assign the device to a Cohort

To enroll your device into Golioth's OTA update system, you need to assign it to a Cohort. Cohorts are groups of devices that have the same firmware and receive the same OTA updates.

First, we need to create a new Cohort for this device type. In the Golioth Console, go to Firmware Updates→Cohorts in the left sidebar and click the Create Cohort button. Select a name for your Cohort and click Create.

Next, we need to assign our device to this new Cohort. In the Cohort page, click Add Devices, and find your device in the list. Select the checkbox on the left hand side of the device to assign it to the Cohort, then click the Next button.

Assign device to a Cohort in the Golioth

In the following window, confirm the devices to be added to the Cohort by clicking the Add button.

Confirm adding a device to a Cohort in the Golioth

7. Create a deployment

OTA updates are rolled out to a Cohort as Deployments. To start a new update for our device, go to the Cohort's page in the Golioth Console and click Deploy. Add the main package to the deployment, and make sure it's set to version 1.2.4. You can optionally pick a name for your deployment.

Create a Deployment in the Golioth

Click Next to review your deployment, then Start Deployment to start the update.

8. Verify the new version

By default, the device will use MCUboot to verify the signature of new firmware and ensure that it can be run before switching. Once the new version is running, the device will report the version to Golioth which can be viewed in the Firmware tab of the Golioth Console.

Golioth Console showing firmware version


Over-the-Air updates are one of the most powerful tools in IoT. Running the Golioth FW Update sample application has demonstrated how the firmware updates are compiled and versioned, the process for creating the artifact and deployment on the Golioth Console, and the device reporting back a new version number after a successful update.

Do not use hardcoded credential in practice

The Golioth FW Update sample uses hardcoded PSK credentials to simplify the example code. An alternate option must be used when more than one device is receiving an update (e.g. device certificate authentication stored in persistent memory). This will ensure that credentials specific to each device are not overwritten by hardcoded values present in the update.

Binaries signed with a default key

This sample uses the default MCUboot key for signing. For production devices, you must generate your own key to sign the binary files.