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Transformers are used to modify the structure of a data message payload as it passes through a pipeline. A single transformer performs a well defined operation as part of a pipeline step, but multiple steps may be chained together to perform a sequence of data transformations.


Every transformer type is versioned. It is recommended to specify a version for transformers in pipelines to ensure that new releases are not automatically consumed as they may alter behavior. If no version is specified for a transformer in a pipeline step, the latest will be used.

Versions may be specified as exact or partial. For example, v1 would refer to the latest v1.Y.Z release, v1.0 would refer to the latest v1.0.Z release, and v1.0.0 would refer to the exact v1.0.0 release.

Using Transformers

If a step has both a transformer and a destination, the transformed data is only sent to the associated destination, and the data prior to transformation is passed on to the subsequent steps. Otherwise, the transformed data is passed along to the subseuqeunt steps.

For example, in the following sequence of steps, the data payload will be transformed from CBOR to JSON in step-0, and the resulting JSON data will be passed to step-1. In step-1, additional metadata will be injected into the JSON payload, and the result will be sent to GCP PubSub. However, the data passed to step-2, and ultimately sent to LightDB Stream, will not include the additional metadata.

- name: step-0
type: cbor-to-json
version: v1
- name: step-1
type: inject-metadata
version: v1
type: gcp-pubsub
version: v1
topic: cool-topic
service_account: $GCP_SERVICE_ACCOUNT
- name: step-2
type: lightdb-stream
version: v1

If the additional metadata was desired in all steps following step-1, the pipeline could be modified as follows.

- name: step-0
type: cbor-to-json
version: v1
- name: step-1
type: inject-metadata
version: v1
- name: step-2
type: gcp-pubsub
version: v1
topic: cool-topic
service_account: $GCP_SERVICE_ACCOUNT
- name: step-3
type: lightdb-stream
version: v1