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Latest Versionv1.0.0
Input Content Typeapplication/octet-stream
Output Content Typeapplication/json

The struct-to-json transformer takes packed C structures and converts them to JSON according to a user provided schema.

The schema is an ordered list of objects in the Pipeline YAML. Each object describes one member of the struct and must contain a name and type. Additionally, string types must specify a length (more below). The accepted types are:

Schema ValueDescription
u8Unsigned 8-bit integer
i8Signed 8-bit integer
u16Unsigned 16-bit integer
i16Signed 16-bit integer
u32Unsigned 32-bit integer
i32Signed 32-bit integer
u64Unsigned 64-bit integer
i64Signed 64-bit integer
floatSingle precision (32-bit) IEEE 754 floating point number
doubleDouble precision (64-bit) IEEE 754 floating point number
stringVariable length string. NOT NULL terminated

For string type members, the YAML object must also contain exactly one of length or lengthField.

  • length contains a non-negative integer with the constant length of the string.
  • lengthField contains the name of a member of the same struct. The member must hold a non-negative integer value, and the length member must come before the string member in the payload.

Example Usage

type: struct-to-json
version: v1
- name: temperature
type: float
- name: string1
type: string
length: 5
- name: string2_len
type: u8
- name: string2
type: string
lengthField: string2_len

Example Input

struct my_struct {
float temperature;
char string1[5];
uint8_t string2_len;
char string2[];
} __attribute__((packed));

struct my_struct *s = malloc(sizeof(struct my_struct) + strlen("Golioth!"));

s->temperature = 23.5f;
s->string2_len = strlen("Golioth!");
memcpy(s->string1, "hello", strlen("hello"));
memcpy(s->string2, "Golioth!", strlen("Golioth!"));

This is the hexdump of s as created by the above C snippet:

00000000  00 00 bc 41 68 65 6c 6c  6f 08 47 6f 6c 69 6f 74  |...Ahello.Goliot|
00000010 68 21 |h!|

Example Output

"temperature": 23.5,
"string1": "Hello",
"string2_len": 8,
"string2": "Golioth!"

If you do not require the string length after the struct-to-json transform step, you can remove it using the json-patch transformer before sending the data to your destination.