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Latest Versionv1.0.0
Input Content Typeapplication/json

batch is a special destination that splits a single data message into multiple when the input payload is a JSON array. A new message will be delivered to pipelines for each item in the array.

Example Usage

No parameters are required for the batch destination.

type: batch
version: v1

Example Input

"ts": 1626362266059,
"latitude": 37.75,
"longitude": -122.57,
"speed": 5
"ts": 1626362276059,
"latitude": 38.75,
"longitude": -123.57,
"speed": 10

Example Output

"ts": 1626362266059,
"latitude": 37.75,
"longitude": -122.57,
"speed": 5
"ts": 1626362276059,
"latitude": 38.75,
"longitude": -123.57,
"speed": 10