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goliothctl device delete

Delete a device from Golioth.

goliothctl device delete [device name] [flags]


# Delete a device with name "foobar"
> goliothctl device delete foobar

# Delete a device with a specified ID
> goliothctl device delete --id 60ad6ad0ad0772e87bb232ce

# Delete a device with a specified hardware ID
> goliothctl device delete --hwId BB:BB:BB:BB


  -h, --help               help for delete
--hwId stringArray device hardware id
--id string device id

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apiUrl string      golioth api server url (default "")
-c, --config string config file (default is $HOME/.golioth/.goliothctl.yaml)
--projectId string golioth project id


  • goliothctl device - Use the goliothctl device subcommands to add, remove, list, and update data associated with devices.