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goliothctl dfu logs

List logs related to firmware status of a device

goliothctl dfu logs [flags]


# List all logs
> goliothctl dfu logs
[2021-09-14T21:38:57Z] version:"0.0.1" stateCode:"0" state:"IDLE" reasonCode:"0" reason:"ready state" device_id:"612d3cecf3ee17d321adbec6" package:"main"
[2021-09-14T21:38:57Z] version:"0.0.1" stateCode:"0" state:"IDLE" reasonCode:"1" reason:"firmware updated successfully" device_id:"612d3cecf3ee17d321adbec6" package:"main"
[2021-09-14T21:38:57Z] version:"0.0.1" stateCode:"0" state:"IDLE" reasonCode:"7" reason:"invalid URI" device_id:"612d3cecf3ee17d321adbec6" package:"main"
[2021-09-14T18:55:31Z] version:"0.0.1" stateCode:"0" state:"IDLE" reasonCode:"0" reason:"ready state" device_id:"612d3cecf3ee17d321adbec6" package:"main"


  -h, --help                help for logs
--interval duration return entries not older than this value (ex: 15m,8h,1d) (default 4h0m0s)
--reason int reason code - [0-9] (default -1)
--state string state code - [idle,downloading,dowloaded,updating]
--version string version name

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apiUrl string      golioth api server url (default "")
-c, --config string config file (default is $HOME/.golioth/.goliothctl.yaml)
--projectId string golioth project id