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goliothctl logs listen

Listen to logs messages


Logs stores logs messages from the device. You can listen to logs messages from all devices of the project or filter them by:

  • device: passing the device name id, the device id or the hardware id
  • log level: passing the log level name ("NONE", "INFO", "WARN", "ERROR", "DEBUG"). Not passing the level flag is like passing --level NONE. It will not filter logs by level.
  • log module: passing the module name registered as part of the Zephyr logging specification
goliothctl logs listen [device name] [flags]


# Listen to logs messages from all devices of the project
> goliothctl logs listen

# Listen to logs messages from a specific device
> goliothctl logs listen <device name>
> goliothctl logs listen --id <device id>
> goliothctl logs listen --hwid <hardware id>

# Listen to logs messages of a specific log level
> goliothctl logs listen --level <log level>

# Listen to logs messages of a specific module
> goliothctl logs listen --module <module name>

# Combine different filters to obtain more refined logs
> goliothctl logs listen <device name> --level <log level>
> goliothctl logs listen <device name> --module <module name>
> goliothctl logs listen <device name> --level <log level> --module <module name>
> goliothctl logs listen --id <device id> --level <log level> --module <module name>
> goliothctl logs listen --hwid <hardware id> --level <log level> --module <module name>


  -h, --help            help for listen
--hwId string hardware id
--id string device id
--json format output as json
--level string log level
--module string module name

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apiUrl string      golioth api server url (default "")
-c, --config string config file (default is $HOME/.golioth/.goliothctl.yaml)
--projectId string golioth project id