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goliothctl lightdb listen

Listen to lightdb messages


LightDB stores the current device state. You can listen to changes on the device state at some specific path or root path. To specify a device you can use the device name, device id or hardware id of the device.

goliothctl lightdb listen [device name] <path> [flags]


# Listen to all lightdb messages from a device
> goliothctl lightdb listen <device name>
> goliothctl lightdb listen --id <device id>
> goliothctl lightdb listen --hwid <hardware id>

# Listen to lightdb messages at a path from a device
> goliothctl lightdb listen <device name> <path>
> goliothctl lightdb listen --id <device id> <path>
> goliothctl lightdb listen --hwid <hardware id> <path>


  -h, --help               help for listen
--hwId stringArray hardware id
--id string device id

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apiUrl string      golioth api server url (default "")
-c, --config string config file (default is $HOME/.golioth/.goliothctl.yaml)
--projectId string golioth project id