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goliothctl lightdb

Access data on Light DB

goliothctl lightdb [flags]


$ cat data.json
"state": 1

# Read current device state
# [device name] should be replace by your device name and wrapped in quotes if spaces are used.
$ goliothctl lightdb get [device name] /test

# Update state with data from a file
$ cat data.json | goliothctl lightdb set [device name] /test --in
$ goliothctl lightdb set [device name] /test -f data.json

$ goliothctl lightdb get --hwId <hardware id> /test

# Update a specific path with a primitive value
$ goliothctl lightdb set --hwId <hardware id> /test/state -b "0"

$ goliothctl lightdb get --id <device id> /test

# Update a specific path with a nested value
$ goliothctl lightdb set --id <device id> /test -b "{\"state\":1}" --format json

# Update a data on multiple devices
$ goliothctl lightdb set --tag [tag name] /test -b "{\"state\":1}" --format json

# Listen to lightdb messages from a device
$ goliothctl lightb listen [device name]

# Listen to lightdb messages from a device at a specific path
$ goliothctl lightb listen [device name] /test


  -h, --help   help for lightdb

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apiUrl string      golioth api server url (default "")
-c, --config string config file (default is $HOME/.golioth/.goliothctl.yaml)
--projectId string golioth project id